Published: 02/2025
YesYes, it's fine to combine circuits onto one breaker, at which point they become one circuit. Provided, of course, that there is not a Code prohibition on that due to certain particular circuits needing to be dedicated, i.e. You can't add anything to a furnace circuit, and cannot add nonCombining two 15 amp circuit to get 30 amps OT Combining circuits in main panel | DIY Home Improvement ForumWEBMar 19, 2014R I currently have 2 separate circuits (each on their own 15amp breaker) in panel slots #6 and #8 - one of the circuits controls a single outlet in my dining room, and 2 circuits from one breakerfeeding two circuits from one breakersingle pole breaker 2 circuits necMorePeople also search for2 circuits from one breakersingle pole breaker 2 circuits necfeeding two circuits from one breaker OEM,ODM can i run two circuits from one br2 circuits from one breakerfeeding two circuits from one breakersingle pole breaker 2 circuits necPaginationHome Improvement Stack ExchangeHow many ceiling fans and switches can I put on one breakerWEBAug 23, 2015· There should be no problem running 4 ceiling fans on a single 15 ampere circuit, though it will depend on what else is on the circuit. Say a 52" fan is 90-100 watts (at high speed), plus three 60 watt bulbs.Home Improvement Stack Exchange14/3 Wire + Double Pole Breaker, Two 0v Circuits?WEBApr 26, 2020· The "other" outlets, the ones with two /2 each, may well be daisy-chained off each other, with the cables running from one joist bay to the next above the ceiling. As for why they did this with pigtails in the box, Home Improvement Stack Exchangeelectrical - Two 240 volt runs off same breaker - Home WEBMar 8, 2021· There is no rule I'm aware of that says you can't have two runs off of one breaker. There is a rule/electrical code I think that says you can't have more than 10 circuits/devices cascaded off of one breaker. That is what I discovered when asking about electrical things in my area.Smart AC SolutionsHow Many Air Conditioners Can I Run On One Circuit? - Smart AC WEBAug 7, 2024· If you want to run two air conditioners at the same time, you would need to have them both on separate circuits or else they would trip your breaker. If you have a standard home, you can typically run two air conditioners on one circuit. However, if you have a larger home or heavier-duty air conditioner, you may need to use multiple circuits Home Improvement Stack Exchangeelectrical - Is one circuit connected to two breakers safe? - Home WEBApr 22, 2016· If breaker # 1 is powered by leg A of the power coming into the panel and breaker # 7 is powered by leg A of the power coming in the panel and the 2 circuits have power meeting each other in an enclosure such as a junction box you could potentially have 2 separate breakers control two separate circuits at the same time.Home Improvement Stack ExchangeCan I share the neutral in /3 cable between two GFI circuits WEBIt may be cheaper to wire one GFCI outlet on each circuit and wire the rest of the outlets on the load of the corresponding GFCI outlet using /2 cable. The 2-pole GFCI breaker is as expensive as about seven individual GFCI outlets. It will also be more convenient to reset the GFCI outlets when they trip since you'll be near them already, and Home Improvement Stack ExchangeIs it safe to have two separate circuits hooked to the same outlet?WEBNov , 2020· Sounds like they messed up and accidentally made a "ring circuit". It's possible to have 2 circuits legally on one receptacle (the 2 sockets and frame called a "yoke"). However, if you do have 2 circuits on a yoke, the breakers MUST be handle-tied with a factory provided handle-tie.Home Improvement Stack Exchangesubpanel - Can I feed 2 sub-panels off one breaker? - Home WEBJan 10, 2017· I also have 2 sub-panels with 5A and 200A ratings respectively. There's a 100A 2-pole breaker in my main panel. I want to feed both sub-panels from that single breaker (all inter-panel wiring, lugs and terminations are good for 100A): Can I run the cable to subpanel #1, replace all the lugs with 2-wire lugs, and leap frog to panel 2?PaginationDIY Home Improvement Forumtwo 20amp circuits on /3 wire | DIY Home WEBAug 10, 2009· but, especially for something such as you are using these circuits for, I would run 2 separate circuits/ 2 separate neutrals. Electronics tend to cause harmonics and that can actually increase the current on the RedditCan I run two window ACs on a single 20A circuit? - RedditWEBRenovating my mom's house and I plan on installing two window AC units in two different rooms. Going to wire up a new dedicated circuit for the ACs, want to know if I can run both AC's on a single 20A breaker. One AC will be a 5,000 BTU unit (~5 amps max). The other AC will be a 10,000 BTU unit (~10 amps max).Home Improvement Stack ExchangeCan I combine two 15amp circuits to get one 30amp outlet?WEBDec 9, 2021· At 240V, that is 13A. Which means you can fit this on a 240V 15A circuit. Typical US wiring has two wires plus ground (and past this one mention, we're ignoring ground - you always have to have it). Wire size is based on current = Amperes. A 15A circuit, whether 0V or 240V, needs 14 AWG or larger wire. A 20A circuit needs AWG or larger.Mike Holt's ForumQuestion about nec allowing two circuits on one breaker using WEBApr 2, 2020· Is it Legal to pigtail two 3 phase circuits together for purpose of having one wire under each lug of 3 phase breaker Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk. Menu. Question about nec allowing two circuits on one breaker using pigtail . Thread starter spanglerj13; Start date Apr 1, 2020; Status Not open for further replies. S. spanglerj13 New DIY Home Improvement ForumOne circuit, two breakers? | DIY Home Improvement ForumWEBDec 13, 2007· She has a circuit with lights and a few outlets on it, that is not de-energized by any one breaker in the panel, you must throw 2 breakers to de-energize the circuit. I imagine that, somewhere over time, someone crossed these circuits in an outlet or switch somewhere, but all of the outlets read 110v. The circuit is feed from two breakers Home Improvement Stack ExchangeGFCI Install with 2 circuits - Home Improvement Stack ExchangeWEBSince this is a MWBC the breaker should already be a double pole breaker, not two singles. That double pole breaker could be replaced with a double pole GFCI breaker. If the circuit is currently mis-wired using two single pole breakers, replacing one of those with a GFCI breaker will not work due to the shared neutral, nor will two single GFCI Home Improvement Stack Exchange2 circuits on 1 gfi receptacle - Home Improvement Stack ExchangeWEBSep 3, 2017· Two separate breakers, hopefully adjacent? Reason I ask is it was common to put the disposal and dishwasher on a multi-wire branch circuit. It uses a 240V double breaker (or 2 adjacent breakers) plus neutral to provide two 0V circuits on only 3 wires. . It powers one 0V load between black and neutral, and the other 0V load between red Home Improvement Stack Exchangesubpanel - Can I feed 2 sub-panels off one breaker? - Home WEBJan 10, 2017· I also have 2 sub-panels with 5A and 200A ratings respectively. There's a 100A 2-pole breaker in my main panel. I want to feed both sub-panels from that single breaker (all inter-panel wiring, lugs and terminations are good for 100A): Can I run the cable to subpanel #1, replace all the lugs with 2-wire lugs, and leap frog to panel 2?Mike Holt's Forum2 Circuits from 1 Breaker | Information by Electrical Professionals WEBNov 8, 2023· 2) Extend the 400A conductors to near the existing 200A protection, so that the bulk of the run is 400A conductor protected by a 400A breaker, and the 'taps' are again reduced in length. 3) Replace the 400A breaker with two 200A breakers, if you have room at the supply end of things. You have not described how the two sets of 4/0 are run.Home Improvement Stack Exchangeelectrical - 240v double pole breaker for two 0v circuits - Home WEBDec 26, 2016· The red and black wires are running two separate circuits sharing the neutral. I pulled the 240v breaker and put in two 0v, 20 amp breakers to see what all is on the circuit with the bathroom. (It's running the bathroom, an outdoor light and a couple plugs on the other side of the house.)Home Improvement Stack ExchangeUsing /3 non-metallic cable to carry 2 circuitsWEBJul 29, 2019· In other words, if you have 15A on one circuit and 10A on the other, the neutral will actually have 15 - 10 = 5A, not 25A. The two circuits have common shutoff - i.e., if you turn off the breaker for one circuit, the breaker for the other circuit always turns off at Home Improvement Stack Exchangeelectrical - What happens when two separate circuits are WEBSep 3, 2017· A two pole breaker can be used to create a multi-wire branch circuit. It should have a 3 wire cable with a bare ground. it means the 0V circuits on one leg are now in series with the 0V circuits on the other. The voltage on both sides will add up to 240V, but it will not be 0V and will wobble all over the place depending on load Mike Holt's ForumFeeding two motors from same breaker | Information by Electrical WEBJun 1, 2013· But if you had 10 AWG protected by a 60 amp breaker - which would be possible with a motor that has a FLA of say 28 amps and you then placed two of those motors on one circuit and they happened to run at same time without tripping anything while starting, then that 10 AWG could be loaded to amps and never trip any overcurrent Home Improvement Stack ExchangeCan I use a tandem 20A breaker for two kitchen circuits?WEBJun 26, 2019· The refrigerator has a lot of options, and it is often put on the kitchen receptacle circuit. While legal, it's very undesirable. First, if you get into the "2 heat appliances" bind, you'll trip the fridge too.PaginationHome Improvement Stack ExchangeCan I use a single 20A circuit for two bathrooms?Apr 20, 2021· Yes, you can put more than one bathroom on a 20 amp circuit for outlets, but nothing else can be on that circuit other than bathroom outlets. But bear in mind that if 2 people are using each bathroom at the same time, one with a space heater and another with a hair dryer, you could easily trip a breaker.Home Improvement Stack Exchangeelectrical - Can two circuits share a neutral? - Home Improvement Only if it is a split 240 volt circuit as Steven points out and it It must be on a two pole circuit breaker. This ensures that the circuit is two different legs and not just one, also the entire circuit will be disabled with only one breaker. Each hot leg returns on this shared neutral.Home Improvement Stack ExchangeUsing /3 non-metallic cable to carry 2 circuitsJul 29, 2019· In other words, if you have 15A on one circuit and 10A on the other, the neutral will actually have 15 - 10 = 5A, not 25A. The two circuits have common shutoff - i.e., if you turn off the breaker for one circuit, the breaker for the other circuit always turns off at the same time.DIY Home Improvement ForumTwo dryers on one 220v circuit? | DIY Home Improvement Forum
ExploreAug 31, 20· The plug on the appliance cord also implies a maximum circuit amperage rating, and you may not cut it off and substitute a plug rated higher. A definite no-no. "Each dryer requires a 30 amp circuit so I will run one 60 amp circuit daisy chaining to two dryer receptacles."Home Improvement Stack ExchangeCan I use a tandem 20A breaker for two kitchen circuits?Jun 26, 2019· Does a tandem breaker satisfy the code requirements as two circuits, given I run one set of outlets on one of the tandem breakers and the remaining on the other tandem breaker? The thing that makes it a "tandem" is that it has ONE stab for the bus and then two breakers coming off of that stab. two separate circuits from that point on, but RedditCan I run two window ACs on a single 20A circuit? - RedditRenovating my mom's house and I plan on installing two window AC units in two different rooms. Going to wire up a new dedicated circuit for the ACs, want to know if I can run both AC's on a single 20A breaker. One AC will be a 5,000 BTU unit (~5 amps max). The other AC will be a 10,000 BTU unit (~10 amps max).Home Improvement Stack ExchangeCan I have two main panels from a single service drop?Jan 26, 20· You can. But the two main disconnects (i.e. main breakers) must be right next to each other NEC 230.72(A), so as to satisfy the "Rule of Six".NEC 230.71(A) They also must be very close to the meter since the service entrance conductors from the meter to the disconnect have no overcurrent protection. That pretty much means "the other side of the wall" but varies by Home Improvement Stack Exchangeelectrical - One circuit on two 20 amp breakers - Home Aug 6, 2016· Second, you are not the circuit breaker factory, which means you have no idea how such a combination would perform, and are forbidden from doing this by NEC 240.8: 240.8 Fuses or Circuit Breakers in Parallel. Fuses and circuit breakers shall be permitted to be connected in parallel where they are factory assembled in parallel and listed as a unit.VoltimumQ & A of the Day - Can I wire two radial circuits fromJul 9, 2010· Question: Is it acceptable to 'double-up' on the out-going terminal of a circuit breaker - therefore, essentially, wiring two different radial circuits from the same breaker? Answer: Although Regulation 314.4 requires each final circuit to be connected to a separate way in a distribution board, a circuit may have more than one 'branch' connected to the appropriate way.
UpdateHome Improvement Stack Exchangeelectrical - Two circuits in same junction box? - Home Jan 29, 2020· Yes, that is fine. The only restriction would be mixing voltage classes. You couldn’t mix line voltage and low voltage (e.g. volts) in the same box.Home Improvement Stack Exchangeelectrical - Two 240 volt runs off same breaker - Home Mar 8, 2021· There is no rule I'm aware of that says you can't have two runs off of one breaker. There is a rule/electrical code I think that says you can't have more than 10 circuits/devices cascaded off of one breaker. That is what I discovered when asking about electrical things in Home Improvement Stack Exchange14/3 Wire + Double Pole Breaker, Two 0v Circuits?Apr 26, 2020· The "other" outlets, the ones with two /2 each, may well be daisy-chained off each other, with the cables running from one joist bay to the next above the ceiling. As for why they did this with pigtails in the box, instead of using the load terminals on the outlets: that's the right way to do it.DIY Home Improvement ForumCan I run several circuits through the same conduit?Feb 15, 20· For instance, I have three 20amp circuits - Can I then run all three through one conduit with 3 hot and three neutral wires and one ground wire (tying it in to all NM at the junction)? My preference would be to run 2 conduits - One with the 20amp circuits, the other with the 15amp circuits, keeping in mind that one of the 15 amp circuits will Home Improvement Stack Exchange2 circuits on 1 gfi receptacle - Home Improvement Stack ExchangeSep 3, 2017· Two separate breakers, hopefully adjacent? Reason I ask is it was common to put the disposal and dishwasher on a multi-wire branch circuit. It uses a 240V double breaker (or 2 adjacent breakers) plus neutral to provide two 0V circuits on only 3 wires. . It powers one 0V load between black and neutral, and the other 0V load between red and Pagination