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2024 Manufacturer Syndrome Hypothenar Hammer

Published: 02/2025
The syndrome is seen in the dominant hand of males who, during occupational or recre-ational activities, use their hand as a hammer. The mechanism of the injury relates to repetitive trauma to the superficial division of the ulnar artery in the hypothenar region of the hand.Author:Ravindra Sharma, William Ladd, Gary Chaisson, Richard AbbenPublish Year:2002Hypothenar Hammer Syndrome | Circulation - AHA/ASA JournalsWas this helpful?People also askWhat causes Hypothenar hammer syndrome?Pathophysiology Hypothenar hammer syndrome is caused by trauma to the ulnar artery: the intravascular injury may be diffuse (eg, resulting from intra-arterial injection) or localized (eg, repetitive compression or blunt force). When the trauma is repetitive, aneurysm with or without thrombosis and occlusion of the ulnar artery may result.HYPOTHENAR HAMMER SYNDROME (ULNAR ARTERY THROMBOSIS)How is Hypothenar hammer syndrome treated?The patient may complain of a lump with a pulse on the ulnar palm of the hand. Remove thrombosis while maintaining adequate blood supply to the ulnar hand and digits. Nonsurgical intervention is the most appropriate initial management for the thrombotic type of hypothenar hammer syndrome.HYPOTHENAR HAMMER SYNDROME (ULNAR ARTERY THROMBOSIS)Is Hypothenar hammer syndrome a vascular overuse syndrome?When that is not the case, however, a careful history for occupational or recreational trauma may point towards a vascular overuse syndrome, such as hypothenar hammer syndrome.Hypothenar Hammer Syndrome: Case Reports and Brief ReviewDoes Hypothenar hammer syndrome cause abnormal ulnar arteries?Ferris et al. postulate that patients with hypothenar hammer syndrome have intrinsically abnormal ulnar arteries, predisposing them to injury (). They reviewed 21 male patient cases and found a high incidence of abnormal bilateral ulnar arteries with a “corkscrew” configuration and alternating areas of stenosis and ectasia.Hypothenar Hammer Syndrome: Case Report and ReviewFeedbackOrthobulletsHypothenar Hammer Syndrome - Hand - OrthobulletsWEBMay 22, 2021· Hypothenar Hammer Syndrome is post-traumatic digital ischemia from thrombosis of the ulnar artery at Guyon's canal. Diagnosis is made with vascular studies including Doppler ultrasound and CT Tags:Hypothenar Hammer SyndromeUlnar HammerHypothenar eminenceWikipediaHypothenar hammer syndrome - WikipediaOverviewDiagnosisTreatmentEpidemiologyHypothenar hammer syndrome (HHS) is a vascular occlusion in humans in the region of the ulna. It is caused by repetitive trauma to the hand or wrist (such as that caused by the use of a hammer) by the vulnerable portion of the ulnar artery as it passes over the hamate bone, which may result in thrombosis, irregularity or aneurysm formation. HHS is a potentially curable cause of Raynaud's syndrome, distinct from hand–arm vibration syndrome. Wikipedia · Text under CC-BY-SA licenseEstimated Reading Time: 2 minsStudies of Manufacturer syndrome hypothenar hammerNational Center for Biotechnology InformationHypothenar Hammer Syndrome: Case Reports and Brief ReviewPatients with hand and finger pain regularly present to primary care practices. Although a well-known clinical entity to specialists, hypothenar hammer syndrome is an uncommon vascular overuse syndrome that may not be familiar to primary care practices.Author: C. Timothy AblePublished: 2008/05Publication: Clin Med RPubMedHypothenar hammer syndrome: an update with algorithms for diagnosis and treatment Hypothenar hammer syndrome is an uncommon cause of symptomatic ischemia of the hand secondary to the formation of aneurysm or thrombosis of the ulnar artery as a result of repetitive trauma to the hypothenar region. The injury to the palmar ulnar arteryAuthor: James C YuenPublished: 2011/10Keywords: National InstiScienceDirectClinical Communications: AdultsHypothenar Hammer Syndrome: Case Report and ReviewBackground Hypothenar hammer syndrome is a rare vascular overuse syndrome characterized by post-traumatic vascular insufficiency of the hand from repetitive compression over the hypothenar eminence. Patients with occupations predisposing to repetitivePublished: 2013/07/01Cited By: 0Keywords: hypothenar PubMedHypothenar hammer syndrome: a case and brief review Hypothenar hammer syndrome is an uncommon cause of upper-extremity ischemia that is often overlooked in the absence of a thorough occupational and recreational history. Importantly, it is a reversible cause of hand ischemia that, if missed, can leadAuthor: Keith E SwansonPublished: 20/4Keywords: National InstiNational Center for Biotechnology InformationHypothenar hammer syndrome: Case report and literature reviewAcute osseous and soft-tissue injuries to the hand are commonly encountered in the adult population. Acute arterial occlusion secondary to acute-on-chronic microtrauma, however, is a less frequent occurrence. An example is hypothenar hammer syndromeAuthor: Marcus P. Carr, Published: 2019/07Publication: Radiol CasNational Center for Biotechnology InformationHypothenar hammer syndrome: case report and literature review*Thrombosis of the ulnar artery, a rare condition that is often secondary to trauma at the hypothenar eminence, may be attributable to a single traumatic event or to repeated trauma in this region. In the latter case, it is named hypothenar hammerAuthor: Márcia Maria MPublished: Jan-Feb 2013Publication: Rev Bras ONational Center for Biotechnology InformationManagement of Hypothenar Hammer Syndrome A Case ReportPatient: Male, 33 Final Diagnosis: Hypothenar hammer syndrome Symptoms: Right hand pain • parethesias • weakness • mottling Medication: — Clinical Procedure: — Specialty: General and Internal Medicine Objective: Rare disease Background: HypothenarAuthor: Brenen P. SwoffPublished: 2018Publication: Am J Case RadiopaediaHypothenar hammer syndrome | Radiology Reference WEBOct 6, 2022· Hypothenar hammer syndrome occurs from trauma to the distal ulnar artery or proximal portion of superficial palmar arch as a result of repetitive trauma to the hypothenar eminence. Originally described in Tags:Hypothenar Hammer SyndromeUlnar HammerHypothenar eminencehandsurgeryresource.orgHYPOTHENAR HAMMER SYNDROME (ULNAR ARTERY WEBHypothenar hammer syndrome is caused by trauma to the ulnar artery: the intravascular injury may be diffuse (eg, resulting from intra-arterial injection) or localized (eg, repetitive compression or blunt force).AHA/ASA JournalsHypothenar Hammer Syndrome | Circulation - AHA/ASA WEBApr 2, 2002· The syndrome is seen in the dominant hand of males who, during occupational or recre-ational activities, use their hand as a hammer. The mechanism of the injury relates to repetitive trauma to the superficial Tags:Hypothenar Hammer SyndromeUlnar HammerHypothenar eminenceVideos of Manufacturer Syndrome Hypothenar Hammer Watch video2:25Hypothenar Hammer Syndrome: A Great Unknown2.2K viewsMar 6, 2017YouTubeIRSST - Santé et sécurité du travailWatch video3:25Hypothenar hammer syndrome962 viewsMar 28, 2022YouTubeFirst Look MRI - Power to the PatientWatch video1:15Hypothenar Muscles Test Palpation Dr Vizniak Muscle Manual685 viewsMar 30, 2023YouTubeprohealthsysWatch video1:13Thenar and Hypothenar Atrophy18.5K viewsFeb 11, 2020YouTubeDr Gauhar Mahmood AzeemWatch video6:28Palmar Musculature | The Hypothenar Muscles14.4K viewsApr 9, 2020YouTubeCatalyst UniversityOrthobulletsHypothenar hammer syndrome: an update with algorithmsWEBHypothenar hammer syndrome is an uncommon cause of symptomatic ischemia of the hand secondary to the formation of aneurysm or thrombosis of the ulnar artery as a result of Tags:Hypothenar Hammer SyndromeUlnar HammerNational Center for Biotechnology InformationHypothenar Hammer Syndrome: Case Reports and Brief ReviewWEBTypically, hypothenar hammer syndrome occurs in men with a mean age of 40 years 6 involving the dominant hand and in occupational settings where the worker uses the Tags:Hypothenar Hammer SyndromeUlnar HammerHypothenar eminenceRadsourceHypothenar Hammer Syndrome | RadsourceWEBThe term Hypothenar Hammer Syndrome (HHS) refers to the spectrum of abnormalities resulting in damage to the superficial palmar arch of the ulnar artery. The clinical syndrome is hallmarked by unilateral finger ischemia Tags:Hypothenar Hammer SyndromeUlnar HammerHypothenar eminencePubMedHypothenar hammer syndrome: an update with algorithms forWEBHypothenar hammer syndrome is an uncommon cause of symptomatic ischemia of the hand secondary to the formation of aneurysm or thrombosis of the ulnar artery as a result of Tags:Hypothenar Hammer SyndromeUlnar HammerHypothenar eminenceScienceDirectHypothenar Hammer Syndrome: Case Report and ReviewWEBJul 1, 2013· Hypothenar hammer syndrome is a rare vascular overuse syndrome characterized by post-traumatic vascular insufficiency of the hand from repetitive Tags:Hypothenar Hammer SyndromeHypothenar eminencePublish Year:2013hypothenar hammer syndromehyponar hammer syndrome handhyponar hammer syndrome radiologydr conn hammer syndromehypothenar syndrome radiologyhammer syndrome radiologyhyponar hammer syndrome icd 10MorePeople also search forhypothenar hammer syndromehyponar hammer syndrome handhyponar hammer syndrome radiologydr conn hammer syndromehypothenar syndrome radiologyhammer syndrome radiology Manufacturer syndrome hypothenar hammerhypothenar hammer syndromehyponar hammer syndrome handhyponar hammer syndrome radiologydr conn hammer syndromehypothenar syndrome radiologyhammer syndrome radiologyhyponar hammer syndrome icd 10Paginationlww.comHypothenar hammer syndrome: An uncommon cause of WEBHypothenar hammer syndrome affects less than 1% of the population, but if the diagnosis is delayed, digital gangrene and critical ischemia can ensue. The condition is caused by injury to the ulnar artery at the level of the hook of hamate when the palm of the hand is repetitively used as a hammer. Injury includes segmental occlusion of the National Center for Biotechnology InformationHypothenar hammer syndrome: Case report and literature reviewWEBMay 10, 2019R Hypothenar hammer syndrome is a rare but serious cause of digital ischemia and morbidity. Presented here is a case of a manual laborer who had symptoms of digital ischemia after acute hyperextension injury to the ring finger. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed thrombosed ulnar artery aneurysm. Etiology, presentation, and current treatments PubMedHypothenar hammer syndrome Hypothenar Hammer Syndrome - Journal of Emergency MedicineWEBNov 9, 2018R A 40-year-old male with medical history of tobacco abuse presented to our emergency department for evaluation of pain in his left ring and pinky fingers. Upon arrival the patient was in no acute distress, his vital signs were blood pressure of 5/80 mm Hg, heart rate of 63 beats per minute, respiratory rate of 19 breaths per minute, oral temperature of PubMedCurrent options for treatment of hypothenar hammer syndromeWEBHypothenar hammer syndrome is a rare vascular condition resulting from injury to the ulnar artery at the level of Guyon canal. The ulnar artery at the wrist is the most common site of arterial aneurysms of the upper extremity and is particularly prone to injury. Signs and symptoms include a palpable mass, distal digital embolization to long jhandsurg.orgHypothenar Hammer Syndrome: Long-Term Results of Vascular WEBMar 6, 2015R in 1970 used the expression “hypothenar hammer syndrome” (HHS) to indicate patients who used the ulnar aspect of the hand as a tool for impaction. The anatomy of the Guyon canal places the superficial branch of the ulnar artery at risk for compression against the hook of hamate, and repeated trauma may lead to thrombosis or aneurysmal SAGE Journals[PDF]Hypothenar hammer syndrome: A case and brief reviewWEBHypothenar hammer syndrome is an uncommon cause of upper-extremity ischemia that is often overlooked in the absence of a thorough occupational and recreational history. Importantly, it is a reversible cause of hand ischemia that, if missed, can lead to significant morbidity and even amputation. The occupational ramifications and quality ofPaginationjemHypothenar Hammer Syndrome - Journal of Nov 9, 2018· A 40-year-old male with medical history of tobacco abuse presented to our emergency department for evaluation of pain in his left ring and pinky fingers. Upon arrival the patient was in no acute distress, his vital signs were PubMedCurrent options for treatment of hypothenar hammer syndromeHypothenar hammer syndrome is a rare vascular condition resulting from injury to the ulnar artery at the level of Guyon canal. The ulnar artery at the wrist is the most common site of arterial aneurysms of the upper extremity and is particularly prone to injury. Signs and symptoms include a palpable mass, distal digital embolization to long jhandsurg.orgHypothenar Hammer Syndrome: Long-Term Results of Vascular Mar 6, 2015· in 1970 used the expression “hypothenar hammer syndrome” (HHS) to indicate patients who used the ulnar aspect of the hand as a tool for impaction. The anatomy of the Guyon canal places the superficial branch of the ulnar artery at risk for compression against the hook of hamate, and repeated trauma may lead to thrombosis or aneurysmal dilation.SAGE Journals[PDF]Hypothenar hammer syndrome: A case and brief reviewHypothenar hammer syndrome is an uncommon cause of upper-extremity ischemia that is often overlooked in the absence of a thorough occupational and recreational history. Importantly, it is a reversible cause of hand ischemia that, if missed, can lead to significant morbidity and even amputation. The occupational ramifications and quality ofSAGE JournalsHypothenar hammer syndrome: A case and brief reviewDec 14, 2011· Hypothenar hammer syndrome is an uncommon cause of upper-extremity ischemia that is often overlooked in the absence of a thorough occupational and recreational history. Importantly, it is a reversible cause of hand ischemia that, if missed, can lead to significant morbidity and even amputation. The occupational ramifications and quality of life SpringerHypothenar-Hammer-Syndrom und Thenar-Hammer-Syndrom als Berufskrankheit Jun 8, 2017· Hypothenar hammer syndrome (HHS) and thenar hammer syndrome (THS) have been recognized as occupational diseases in Germany since January 2015. In both syndromes, vascular lesions are associated with vascular disturbance in the hollow hand region due to a dull but forceful action by using the hand as a replacement for a striking tool or a hammer. It should be ResearchGateHypothenar hammer syndrome: a case series and literature reviewApr 1, 2015· Hypothenar hammer syndrome (HHS) is a rare condition that may present as a palmar mass due to an aneurysm, or more frequently as digit ischemia due to thromboembolic or occlusive disease of the PubMedHypothenar hammer syndrome: an update with algorithms forHypothenar hammer syndrome is an uncommon cause of symptomatic ischemia of the hand secondary to the formation of aneurysm or thrombosis of the ulnar artery as a result of repetitive trauma to the hypothenar region. The injury to the palmar ulnar artery occurs in subjects who use the hypothenar part of the hand as a hammer; the hook of the SpringerDas Hypothenar-Hammer-Syndrom | Die Unfallchirurgie - SpringerJul 11, 2014· The hypothenar hammer syndrome (HHS) is a rare form of secondary Raynaud's phenomenon in workers who frequently use the ulnar side of the palm as a hammer. Clinically the patient with HHS shows neurologic symptoms such as paresthesia, numbness and pain and signs of vascular insufficiency such as coldness, pallor, discoloration and blanching of the affected ulnar PubMedHypothenar Hammer Syndrome: Long-Term Results After Background: Hypothenar hammer syndrome is a rare vascular lesion of the distal ulnar artery in Guyon tunnel caused by acute or repetitive blunt trauma to the hypothenar eminence. Described treatment options vary greatly, from nonoperative management treatments to surgical interventions. The aim of this study was to evaluate the long-term outcomes of patients after PubMedHypothenar hammer syndrome: a case and brief reviewHypothenar hammer syndrome is an uncommon cause of upper-extremity ischemia that is often overlooked in the absence of a thorough occupational and recreational history. Importantly, it is a reversible cause of hand ischemia that, if missed, can lead to significant morbidity and even amputation. The occupational ramifications and quality of life ViewRSNA Publications OnlineDigital Hypothenar Hammer Syndrome | Radiology - RSNA Dec 4, 2018· Hypothenar hammer syndrome: case reports and brief review. Clin Med Res 2008;6(1):3–8. Medline Google Scholar. 2. Liskutin J, Dorffner R, Resinger M, Silberbauer K, Mostbeck G. Hypothenar hammer syndrome. Eur Radiol SpringerDiagnostik und Therapie des Hypothenar-Hammer-SyndromsThe hypothenar hammer syndrome is a traumatic occlusion of the distal arteria ulnaris. Dependent on the mechanism of the trauma the clinical symptoms may appear late. A specific angiographic or duplex sonographic diagnostic investigation is necessary to show the arterial occlusion. There is no proven therapeutic procedure.RSNA Publications OnlineDigital Hypothenar Hammer Syndrome | Radiology - RSNA Article History Received: Sept 23 2018 Revision requested: Oct 15 2018 Revision received: Oct 25 2018 Accepted: Oct 30 2018 Published online: Dec 4 2018PaginationPubMedHypothenar hammer syndrome: a case and brief reviewWEBHypothenar hammer syndrome is an uncommon cause of upper-extremity ischemia that is often overlooked in the absence of a thorough occupational and recreational history. Importantly, it is a reversible cause of hand ischemia that, if missed, can lead to significant morbidity and even amputation. The occupational ramifications and quality of life RSNA Publications OnlineDigital Hypothenar Hammer Syndrome | Radiology - RSNA WEBDec 4, 2018· Hypothenar hammer syndrome: case reports and brief review. Clin Med Res 2008;6(1):3–8. Medline Google Scholar. 2. Liskutin J, Dorffner R, Resinger M, Silberbauer K, Mostbeck G. Hypothenar hammer syndrome. Eur Radiol 2000;10(3):542. Medline Google Scholar. Article HistorySpringerDiagnostik und Therapie des Hypothenar-Hammer-SyndromsWEBThe hypothenar hammer syndrome is a traumatic occlusion of the distal arteria ulnaris. Dependent on the mechanism of the trauma the clinical symptoms may appear late. A specific angiographic or duplex sonographic diagnostic investigation is necessary to show the arterial occlusion. There is no proven therapeutic procedure.RSNA Publications OnlineDigital Hypothenar Hammer Syndrome | Radiology - RSNA WEBArticle History Received: Sept 23 2018 Revision requested: Oct 15 2018 Revision received: Oct 25 2018 Accepted: Oct 30 2018 Published online: Dec 4 2018National Center for Biotechnology InformationDiagnosis of hypothenar hammer syndrome in a patient with WEBSep , 2019· Hypothenar hammer syndrome (HHS) is a rare vascular disorder characterised by ulnar artery occlusion secondary to repetitive blunt trauma and classically occurs in men of 40–50 years of age, with occupational exposures including repetitive use of their hand for pounding or ‘hammering’ of hard objects, or prolonged exposure to vibration. PubMedHypothenar Hammer Syndrome: rare or underdiagnosed?WEBHypothenar hammer Syndrome (HHS) is a condition characterised by digital ischaemia as a result of repetitive trauma to the hypothenar eminence of the hand. It occurs in people who repeatedly use the palm of the hand as a hammer to push, grind or twist objects. It is a curable and a preventable cause of upper digital ischemia.VisualDxHypothenar hammer syndrome - VisualDxWEBOct 13, 2022· Occupations with frequent use of the hands as a hammer, such as carpenter and mechanic. Recreational activities, such as sports. Pathophysiology: Hypothenar hammer syndrome is due to intimal damage to the superficial palmar branch of the ulnar artery, leading to thrombosis or aneurysm. Digital ischemia or gangrene can occur due to distal SpringerHypothenar hammer syndrome: caused by a muscle anomaly? A WEBMar 6, 2018· The hypothenar hammer syndrome (HHS) is a rare entity of secondary Raynaud’s phenomenon. The blunt hypothenar trauma causes a lesion of the vessel wall with a consecutive thrombosis or aneurysm of the ulnar artery at the Guyon’s canal. Different risk factors are discussed such as nicotine abuse, or a muscle anomaly in the Guyon’s canal. To National Center for Biotechnology InformationSaved by the SPY - National Center for Biotechnology InformationWEBAug 5, 2020· Introduction: Hypothenar Hammer syndrome refers to thrombosis/aneurysm of ulnar artery at Guyon's canal in wrist, with resultant arterial insufficiency in the ulnar artery distribution. 1 Patients typically describe unilateral symptoms in the fourth and/or fifth fingers of the hand. Symptoms can range from asymptomatic to pain, pallor, paresthesia, Springer[PDF]Diagnostik und Therapie des Hypothenar-Hammer WEBHypothenar hammer syndrome. Rev Med Chil : 10. Nakamura T, Kambayashi J, Kawasaki T, Hirao T (1996) Hypothenar hammer syndrome caused by playing tennis. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 11: 240 11. Schneider M, Creutzig A, Alexander K (1995) Traumatisch bedingte Durchblu-tungssto¨rungen der Ha¨nde. Med KlinNational Center for Biotechnology InformationTherapeutic Management of Hypothenar Hammer Syndrome UpdateWEBJun 7, 2010· 1. Introduction. The hypothenar hammer syndrome (HHS) is a rare clinical condition, first described by Von Rosen in 19 [] and named by Conn in 1970 [], which may cause pain, a mass in the hand or finger's ischemia.The syndrome is caused by blunt traumas to the heel of the hand that may damage the ulnar artery at the level of the hypothenar SAGE Journals[PDF]Hypothenar Hammer Syndrome: A Commonly - SAGE JournalsWEBondary to trauma as the hypothenar hammer syndrome. Hypothenar ham­ mer syndrome can result from either acuteor chronic trauma to the hypothe­ nar region of the hand (Figure 1). The superficial palmar branch of the ulnar artery passes superficial to the hypothe­ nar muscles and is protected only by skin, subcutaneous tissue and the pal­The Free DictionaryHypothenar Hammer Syndrome - How is Hypothenar Hammer Syndrome WEBhypothenar hammer syndrome: Damage to the ulnar artery from sports or occupations in which a person uses the side of the hand as a pounding tool, resulting in recurrent blunt trauma to the hand. It occasionally causes Raynaud PubMedHypothenar hammer syndrome - PubMedWEBThe diagnosis of hypothenar hammer syndrome (HHS) should be considered in the case of hand ischemia in people who occupationally or recreationally use the hypothenar region literally as a hammer . Routine diagnostics should consist of physical examination including Allen s test, acral plethysmography and duplex sonography. Pagination


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