Published: 02/2025
There are two Swornbreakers in D:OS 2. One can be forged on Nameless Isle, one can be found in The Vault of Linder Kemm. To forge the Swornbreaker, you need three pieces, the tablet found in Ancient Temple (or recipe given by Ryker, or Almira), the shaft in Sallow Man’s war room, the blade in Academy Arena.How to Get The Swornbreaker – Divinity Original Sin 2Was this helpful?LoadingFeedbackThanks!Tell us moreLet's Chat People also askWhere can I find a swornbreaker in DOS 2?There are two Swornbreakers in D:OS 2. One can be forged on Nameless Isle, one can be found in The Vault of Linder Kemm. To forge the Swornbreaker, you need three pieces, the tablet found in Ancient Temple (or recipe given by Ryker, or Almira ), the shaft in Sallow Man’s war room, the blade in Academy Arena.How to Get The Swornbreaker – Divinity Original Sin 2 Steam Communityswornbreaker uses :: Divinity: Original Sin 2 General DiscussionsWEBOct 13, 2017· You can give Almira a broken (already used) Swornbreaker to complete her quest tho, same goes for Windego and Sadha (if you choose so) so if you need it for your Missing: FactoryMust include: FactoryTags:SiN EpisodesDivinity Original Sin 2 SwornbreakerSwornbreaker Divinity Locationfextralife.comThe Key to Freedom | Divinity Original Sin 2 WikiThe Key to Freedom ObjectivesThe Key to Freedom WalkthroughTipsThere are three parts necessary to forge the Swornbreaker. The schematic can be learned from Ryker at Stonegarden, Almira at Paradise Downs (she moves to your ship if you help her with her quest), or from simply using the tablet itself. Note that you do not have to learn the recipe in order to craft it; simply combine all 3 pieces and it will craftSee more on Nameless IsleEstimated Reading Time: 8 mins Quest: Almira's RequestMissing: FactoryMust include: FactoryRedditMaximum efficiency Swornbreaker usages : r/DivinityOriginalSinWEBSo basically there will be 4 characters that would want to use Swornbreaker Swornbreaker (Skill) | Divinity Original Sin 2 WikiWEBNov 13, 2019· It is an item skill obtained by wielding a Swornbreaker, which can be crafted with Ancient Stone Tablet + Haft of the Swornbreaker + Blade of the Swornbreaker or Missing: FactoryMust include: FactoryTags:SiN EpisodesDivinity Original Sin 2 SwornbreakerSwornbreaker Divinity LocationSteam CommunityIs the swornbreaker important to keep? Or should I give it away to WEBYou keep the tablet even if you give it to her. That doesn't mean you keep the weapon, which is insanely better than the one I have so I don't know whether to give it to her or keep it. Missing: FactoryMust include: FactoryTags:Divinity Original Sin 2 SwornbreakerSiN EpisodesSwornbreaker Tablet Divinity 2fandom.comThe Swornbreaker | Divinity Wiki | FandomWEBThe Swornbreaker, also known as the Swornbreaker Scythe is a unique axe in Divinity: Original Sin 2. A two handed axe that can only be wielded by those who are level 16 and Missing: FactoryMust include: FactoryTags:Divinity Original Sin 2 SwornbreakerDivinity IILarian Studios forumsHow to use Swornbreaker Almira's Request | Divinity Original Sin 2 WikiWEBSep 13, 2021· Almira's Request is a Quest in Divinity: Original Sin II. Almira seeks a tablet to break her free of being Sworn to the God King. Will you help her? Important NPCs. Missing: FactoryMust include: FactoryTags:SiN EpisodesDivinity IIOriginal SinAlmira's Requestdos2 swornbreaker locationsdos2 should i kill windegodivinity original sin 2 sworn breakerdivinity 2 swornbreaker piecesdivinity original sin 2 sworndivinity original sin 2 swearbreakerdivinity original sin 2 stormbreakerdos2 swornbreaker arxMorePeople also search fordos2 swornbreaker locationsdivinity original sin 2 sworn breakerdivinity original sin 2 sworndos2 should i kill windegodivinity 2 swornbreaker piecesdivinity original sin 2 swearbreaker dos2 swornbreaker uses Factorydos2 swornbreaker locationsdos2 should i kill windegodivinity original sin 2 sworn breakerdivinity 2 swornbreaker piecesdivinity original sin 2 sworndivinity original sin 2 swearbreakerdivinity original sin 2 stormbreakerdos2 swornbreaker arxPaginationGameSkinnyHow to Get Swornbreaker in Divinity: Original Sin 2Oct 4, 2017· Step 2: Find the Haft of the Swornbreaker. As you enter the cave you will stumble upon a Decrepit Altar, and behind the altar you will see a blocking wall. Equip one of your characters that has the highest level of Intelligence with Arqadedivinity original sin 2 The Academy | Divinity Original Sin 2 WikiSep 21, 2017· This will drastically change your quest path to a more evil one, but it can be broken with the Swornbreaker, which you can either craft (see "The Key to Freedom" for details) or get later on in Arx. In any case, if you accept and become Sworn, your Bless ability will be replaced with a "Curse" ability, you will receive 2 free revives upon death Steam CommunitySwornbreaker info (spilers) :: Divinity: Original Sin 2 General Oct 5, 2017· I got the swornbreaker from arx. I obviosly missed some dialogue and some story points because I dont really know what it is. I know it was mentioned all over part 3 and got all parts but the haft. But I got one from arx in the vault. I equipped it and used the skill, something about severing myself from the godwoken. Can anyone explain to me what this is?fextralife.comProving Ground | Divinity Original Sin 2 WikiMar 19, 2018· When killed, the Great Guardian drops the "Blade of the Swornbreaker", one of the pieces to craft the Swornbreaker weapon, as well as several DivineMercy is Power | Divinity Original Sin 2 WikiAug 8, 2024· You can loot the used swornbreaker from her body and then give it to Almira. Reply Replies (0) 6 +1. 2Almira | Divinity Original Sin 2 WikiMay 30, 2024· Almira is an NPC level 14 in Divinity: Original Sin 2.. Almira information. Almira is a succubus and a sworn to the God King who absconded from the Black Ring. She was captured by the magisters for being a sourceress, but one of the Steam CommunitySwornbreaker Scythe :: Divinity: Original Sin 2 General DiscussionsSep 17, 2017· The scythe is pretty much useless unless you have Amira on your ship, she has a quest linked to it. Could have answered your question in a shorter answer but this saves you a couple hours of searching if you're intent on forging Swornbreaker.RedditReddit A Generous Offer | Divinity Original Sin 2 WikiSep 16, 2017· In the room before the vault, there's actually no reason to use all those oil barrels to blow the wall up. The wall has a 100% vulnerability to fire Anathema | Divinity Original Sin 2 WikiThis game SORELY lacks unique weapons with fixed stats and lore attached to them, only 2 coming to mind being Swornbreaker and Anathema, and both being unrepairable. At least swornbreaker is not brittle. Reply Replies (1) 0 +1. 0Swormbreaker | Divinity Original Sin 2 WikiDivinity Original Sin 2 Wiki has all information on weapons, armor, quests, skills, abilities, maps, crafting, guides and walkthroughs.PaginationRedditReddit A Generous Offer | Divinity Original Sin 2 WikiSep 16, 2017· In the room before the vault, there's actually no reason to use all those oil barrels to blow the wall up. The wall has a 100% vulnerability to fire Anathema | Divinity Original Sin 2 WikiThis game SORELY lacks unique weapons with fixed stats and lore attached to them, only 2 coming to mind being Swornbreaker and Anathema, and both being unrepairable. At least swornbreaker is not brittle. Reply Replies (1) 0 +1. 0Swormbreaker | Divinity Original Sin 2 WikiDivinity Original Sin 2 Wiki has all information on weapons, armor, quests, skills, abilities, maps, crafting, guides and walkthroughs.
ReadSteam CommunityHow do you get "Sworn" :: Divinity: Original Sin 2 General DiscussionsApr 13, 2018· The swornbreaker is generally used on sworn NPCs to break their covenant with the god king. However there is a moment in act 3 where you can become sworn. I believe this is done through interaction with the sallow man, and is Steam CommunityIs the swornbreaker important to keep? Or should I give it away to If the swornbreaker is a better weapon that what you have by the time you're at the vault, you have other problems to worry about. #4 < > Showing 1The Consulate | Divinity Original Sin 2 WikiSep 16, 2023· In order to steal the Swornbreaker you need a Thievery level of 5. The Red Price can share items with party members in order to get a Thievery level of 5. To give Windego the Swornbreaker, find her in Magister's Prison cellar level Tome on the Swornbreaker | Divinity Wiki | FandomThis book describes the crafting of the Swornbreaker and, more importantly, its destruction. A scythe powerful enough to challenge the will of a God, it was broken in two The Vault of Linder Kemm | Divinity Original Sin 2 WikiDec 21, 2022· Use the lever to reveal the hatch to Kemm's vault. Note that you can also take the Swornbreaker from the statue. Once Lord Arhu is freed, 2 Black Ring Defilers will immediately appear on the lower platform, while a Black Ring Painweaver and Fearmaiden will appear on the upper platform. Lord Kemm will also show up on the second turn, and you fextralife.comThe Consulate | Divinity Original Sin 2 WikiIn order to steal the Swornbreaker you need a Thievery level of 5. The Red Price can share items with party members in order to get a Thievery level of 5. To give Windego the Swornbreaker, find her in Magister's Prison cellar level -2. The Quest name is Mercy is Power Quest. You can give Windego the Swornbreaker to cut her connection to the God Reddit[Spoilers] Give Tablet to Almira? : r/DivinityOriginalSinTwo Swornbreakers can be found in the game - one from crafting, and one found intact. You can still give Almira the tablet and find a Swornbreaker later. Or you can ask for it back at the Nameless isle, and craft it yourself - whether to give it to her, or someone else. Naturally, more than two people want the Swornbreaker. Choose wisely.PaginationRedditr/DivinityOriginalSin on Reddit: Swornbreaker PartsWEBSwornbreaker Parts DOS2 Help I've killed the sallow man and found the chest that's supposed to have a part in it but It has no healthbar and I don't have enough thievery to unlock the chest. fextralife.comThe Vault of Linder Kemm | Divinity Original Sin 2 WikiWEBDec 21, 2022· Use the lever to reveal the hatch to Kemm's vault. Note that you can also take the Swornbreaker from the statue. Once Lord Arhu is freed, 2 Black Ring Defilers will immediately appear on the lower platform, while a Black Ring Painweaver and Fearmaiden will appear on the upper platform. Lord Kemm will also show up on the second turn, and fextralife.comThe Consulate | Divinity Original Sin 2 WikiWEBIn order to steal the Swornbreaker you need a Thievery level of 5. The Red Price can share items with party members in order to get a Thievery level of 5. To give Windego the Swornbreaker, find her in Magister's Prison cellar level Almira's Request | Divinity Original Sin 2 WikiWEBReading the Ancient Stone Tablet will grant you knowledge of the "Swornbreaker" recipe, and to craft it you will need the tablet as one of the components. There is currently a bug where if you give the tablet to Almira, it sometimes doesn't remove from your inventory, giving you the opportunity to both craft the Swornbreaker and complete this RedditQuestion about Swornbreaker Scythe (spoilers inside) : r - RedditWEBJul 8, 2018· She's the only person who'll take a pre-constructed Swornbreaker. I made mine the moment I had the 2 pieces, and the 2nd one you can find is pre-assembled. Even though her quest is open, Almira gives no dialog options to provide the Swornbreaker (it says she's still looking for the tablet, which is consumed by the recipe).Steam CommunityAnyone know location of Swornbreaker Parts? :: Divinity: Original
ReadWEBSep 25, 2017· Id appreciate if someone could help, Ive found the hilt (sallow man cave) but cant for the life of me find the blade. Ive searched google and found conflicting answers. Someone said it was locked in a room in the Lunar Shrine of Mist Isle, and someone else said it was on the body of the giant robot. Wasnt on the robot, and the other room that Steam CommunitySwornbreaker :: Divinity: Original Sin 2 General DiscussionsWEBSep 24, 2017· when u in act 4 u will have the swornbreaker no need the part and no need to craft . well its useless in act 4 to fighting but it a quest item :v #4 < > Showing 1-4 of 4 comments . Per page: 15 30 50. Divinity: Original Sin 2 > General Discussions > Topic Details. Date Posted: Sep 24, 2017 @ :08am.Larian Studios forumsSwornbreaker without schematic? - Larian Studios forumsWEBSep 20, 2017· you dont need the schematic as long as you have both pieces, just use your ancient tablet in your inventory in miscellaenous part because if you cant give the pieces to almira, that means you ask almira for the tablet. put the tablet to the ground from your inventory then click right (the button to examine and lockpick) then choose combine, then RedditSwornbreaker Help (Red Prince Spoilers) : r/DivinityOriginalSinWEBJan 14, 2023· DOS2 Help Hey guys, I'm currently in the Ancient Empire Dream World camp where you speak to Sadha, the egg, etc. I have the Swornbreaker from the Kemm vault in my inventory but I receive no option when Red Prince is speaking to Sadha to give it to her. I'm not sure what is wrong. I even put the swornbreaker in the Red Princes' personal Pagination